<<<<<<< HEAD This guy was a tough nut to crack. Member of the Phantom's crew. Rap sheet a mile long. Had a stone cold face and wouldn't sit down no matter what you told him. Took a good few hours to even get the mook to give his name to us. When he does talk, he turns his head down and tells me, "The empress don't like nosey schmucks like you." Guy refuses to speak a single word after that. ======= This guy was a tough nut to crack. Member of the Phantom's crew. Rap sheet a mile long. Had a stone cold face and wouldn't sit down no matter what you told him. Took a good few hours to even get the mook to give his name to us. When he does talk, he turns his head down and tells me, "The empress don't like nosey schmucks like you." Guy refuses to speak a single word after that. >>>>>>> 1b050ccfb5076eb5ddaece265a36bd4a4a22c96e These drowners are real pieces of work.